Mondulkiri Province

Mondulkiri is an eastern province of Cambodia, which is the most sparsely populated province in the whole country although being the largest province in Cambodia.

The province is chock full of natural beauty, with thickly forested mountains, powerful waterfalls and the lush green rolling hills of the western side.

Despite the growing deforestation, especially due to the valuable minerals remaining in the deep red, fertile ground, Mondulkiri has still one of the biggest successional woodlands of Cambodia. Except being in Sen Monorom, you’ll find deep pure jungle, with a huge variety of flora and fauna. You may also find gigantic and beautiful waterfalls, where you can take an empowering shower, such as the impressive Bou Sraa.


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Cambodia’s Tallest Buddha Statue to be Built on Bokor Mountain

The 108-metre-high Buddha statue will be erected on top of Bokor Mountain at the Preah Monivong Bokor National Park in Kampot province, making it the tallest Buddha statue in Cambodia. The groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Buddha statue was held this morning under the presidency of H.E. Chea Sophara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction. …

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