Kratie Province

Kratie is one of Cambodia's eastern provinces with less population, who make their lives on the riverbanks of the Mekong. Beyond the riverbanks it is a remote place with almost no population and thick-forested areas to calm down.

13Kratie and lies also on the banks of the mighty Mekong River, which emboss the province from the North to the South.

The stretch of the river around Kratie town is home to a group of rare sweet water Irrawaddy dolphins. Therefore the dolphins are the main tourist attraction of the province and the town. The river also has hundreds of green island, and circling water, which are also attracting some tourists. Kratie town is sleepy but picturesque with sandbars and big islands out front and bends in the river. Unlike in many towns around Cambodia, the war years were fairly kind to the French architecture and the roads, at least in the town itself.


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Cambodia’s Tallest Buddha Statue to be Built on Bokor Mountain

The 108-metre-high Buddha statue will be erected on top of Bokor Mountain at the Preah Monivong Bokor National Park in Kampot province, making it the tallest Buddha statue in Cambodia. The groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Buddha statue was held this morning under the presidency of H.E. Chea Sophara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction. …

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